We aim to curate the perfect fish selection for your aquarium. With a focus on compatibility, our experts carefully choose vibrant, healthy fish that thrive together harmoniously. Each selection is tailored to complement your aquarium's design and create a lively, balanced underwater community.
We aim to curate the perfect fish selection for your aquarium. With a focus on compatibility, our experts carefully choose vibrant, healthy fish that thrive together harmoniously. Each selection is tailored to complement your aquarium's design and create a lively, balanced underwater community.
We aim to curate the perfect fish selection for your aquarium. With a focus on compatibility, our experts carefully choose vibrant, healthy fish that thrive together harmoniously. Each selection is tailored to complement your aquarium's design and create a lively, balanced underwater community.
We aim to curate the perfect fish selection for your aquarium. With a focus on compatibility, our experts carefully choose vibrant, healthy fish that thrive together harmoniously. Each selection is tailored to complement your aquarium's design and create a lively, balanced underwater community.
How our service works:
Our professional fish selection service starts with an assessment of your aquarium, considering factors like size and existing aquatic life. We then offer personalised recommendations to ensure compatibility and ecological balance, guiding you in choosing fish species that thrive in your tank’s environment. With our support, you can confidently introduce new fish and maintain a vibrant underwater ecosystem.
Our fish selection service includes installation of essential equipments:
1) Assessment of tank size and existing aquatic life to determine suitable additions.
2) Guidance on selecting fish species that thrive in specific water parameters such as pH, temperature, and hardness.
3) Ongoing support and assistance with fish health monitoring, diet recommendations, and behavioral observations.
For more detail on the service and pricing, please send us a message through our contact page or alternatively email us at
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, #01-1182
Block 233, Singapore 560233
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